Photos by L-1172:
K-153 & K-190 at Wandong.
Photos by L-1172:
K-153 & K-190 near Broadford.
Photos by L-1172:
K-153 & K-190 at Dysart.
Photos by L-1172:
K-153 at Seymour-1
Photos by L-1172:
K-190 in Seymour Yard.
Photos by L-1172:
K-153 at Seymour-2
Photos by L-1172:
K-153 between Avenel and Longwood.
Photos by L-1172:
K-153 crossing the Broken River Bridge at Benalla.
Photos by L-1172:
K-153 & T-391 in Benalla Yard.
Photos by L-1172:
K-153 & Y-147 in Benalla Yard.
Photos by L-1172:
K-153 reversing towards train at Benalla.
Photos by L-1172:
K-153 departing Benalla-1
Photos by L-1172:
K-153 departing Benalla-2
Photos by L-1172:
K-153 running express through Wangaratta.
Photos by L-1172:
K-153 running express through Springhurst-1.
Photos by L-1172:
K-153 running express through Springhurst-2
Photos by L-1172:
42205 at Springhurst.