Roberrific: John Leschinski at PodCamp Toronto
Roberrific: Register at podCamp in Toronto
Roberrific: Orientation at PodCamp Toronto 2013
Roberrific: The Rogers Table at Podcamp 2013
Roberrific: Storytelling Panel at Podcamp 2013, Randy Matheson, Andrew Jenkins, Hessie Jones, Mark Evans, Laurie Dillon Schalk
Roberrific: Andrew Jenkins at end of Storytelling Session at Podcamp Toronto 2013
Roberrific: Andrew Jenkins stands and approaches at Podcamp 2013
Roberrific: Lauren ONizzle, John Leschinski at Podcamp 2013 in Toronto
Roberrific: Star Trek Was A Cool Show , at Podcamp Toronto 2013, pcto13
Roberrific: Mark Farmer on Measure of Get the #@&% out
Roberrific: Radian 6 on Podcamp 2013, measure social media
Roberrific: Rob Campbell the SMOJOE discusses SEO
Roberrific: Over Julia Hidy shoulder on Press Release Session #pcto13 PodCamp Toronto
Roberrific: Julia Hidy #pcto13 on the Power of Press Releases @juliahidy
Roberrific: Pod Camp 2013 2nd fl Landing
Roberrific: Lew Dawgs, Bartender, Toronto, Party after Podcamp 2013
Roberrific: Moderator Dr Vibe at Podcamp Toronto 2013, party
Roberrific: Summer and Jim wear a tie
Roberrific: Rob Campbell, Summer Anne Ross from Sugar Salt Social and Jim Pagiamtzis
Roberrific: Jarvis Emerald at Podcamp Toronto 2013
Roberrific: John Leschinski and Kitty Fung, Laurie Dillon Schalk
Roberrific: Keith McNally and John Leschinski at Podcamp 2013 Toronto #PCTO2013
Roberrific: Keith McNally before Star Trek Was A Cool Show at Podcamp 2013
Roberrific: Laurie Dillon Schalk with unknown supporter at #PCTO2013