Roberrific: Michael Nus, Sean Moffit and Casie Stewart
Roberrific: Wikibrands at Mill St Pub, Feb 8
Roberrific: Casie Stewart debuts #RoboTO
Roberrific: Keri searches for a topic
Roberrific: The crowd at the Mill Street Brew Pub for the #smwTO debates
Roberrific: Sean Moffit speaking about Wikibrands Feb 7th 2011
Roberrific: Lauren ONizzle and Casie Stewart at Mill St for Wikibrands
Roberrific: Keri Blog, Casie Stewart and Lauren ONizzle at Mill St Pub
Roberrific: Wikibrands CoAuthor Mike Dover, and Ameet Wadhwani
Roberrific: Sean Moffit and Heather Travis
Roberrific: Sean Moffitt deals with the amplifier and sound system