rob.dunfey: DSCN0378
rob.dunfey: Racing Monaco
rob.dunfey: Joker @ the wheel
rob.dunfey: Approaching the hairpin...
rob.dunfey: Racing through the tunnel
rob.dunfey: Entering the tunnel
rob.dunfey: Down to the tunnel...
rob.dunfey: Down to the tunnel...
rob.dunfey: Down to the tunnel...
rob.dunfey: Down to the tunnel...
rob.dunfey: Joker @ the wheel...
rob.dunfey: Approaching the hairpin...
rob.dunfey: ...the hairpin, at 5mph...
rob.dunfey: Approaching the hairpin...
rob.dunfey: Approaching the hairpin...
rob.dunfey: Approaching the hairpin...
rob.dunfey: Yaris Dashboard
rob.dunfey: Monaco
rob.dunfey: Monaco
rob.dunfey: Monaco
rob.dunfey: Monaco
rob.dunfey: Monaco
rob.dunfey: Monaco
rob.dunfey: Monaco
rob.dunfey: Monaco
rob.dunfey: Monaco
rob.dunfey: Monaco