Robby Russell: nearing the end of the trail
Robby Russell: looking down
Robby Russell: blair witch?
Robby Russell: blair witch?
Robby Russell: camera vs camera
Robby Russell: DSCF1775.jpg
Robby Russell: looking down
Robby Russell: self portrait
Robby Russell: gary shoots
Robby Russell: honey lookalike
Robby Russell: hairy trees
Robby Russell: hairy trees
Robby Russell: a river runs through...
Robby Russell: the river
Robby Russell: water sports
Robby Russell: DSCF1742.jpg
Robby Russell: relaxing
Robby Russell: pretty stream
Robby Russell: waterfall
Robby Russell: rounding another corner
Robby Russell: DSCF1714.jpg
Robby Russell: gary takes a break
Robby Russell: waterfall
Robby Russell: waterfall