Rob Blatt: 86th Street stop
Rob Blatt: On my way to the park
Rob Blatt: Still on my way to the park
Rob Blatt: The entrance to Central Park
Rob Blatt: Behind the trees is the Museum
Rob Blatt: "2010"
Rob Blatt: The ball fields
Rob Blatt: An empty ball field
Rob Blatt: Closed? Closed!
Rob Blatt: The Great Lawn map
Rob Blatt: Want to see the fields
Rob Blatt: Closed for the entire season.
Rob Blatt: The Museum is known as "A"
Rob Blatt: Cleopatra's Needle text
Rob Blatt: Cleo's needle
Rob Blatt: Cleo's needle
Rob Blatt: Cleo's needle
Rob Blatt: Cleo's needle
Rob Blatt: Cleo's needle text
Rob Blatt: Cleo's needle text
Rob Blatt: Cleo's needle text
Rob Blatt: The SW corner of the Art Museum
Rob Blatt: #TIMM NYC dead drop