robbles1: Jenkins Gap Overlook
robbles1: Jenkins Gap Overlook
robbles1: Closeup of wonderful shadows in the mountains
robbles1: Blue ridge Mountains
robbles1: Range View Overlook
robbles1: Love those muted color changes
robbles1: Gimlet Ridge Overlook
robbles1: Tunnel
robbles1: Tunnel Sign
robbles1: John Brown's Fort
robbles1: Inside John Brown's Fort
robbles1: John Brown's Fort
robbles1: Near Hog Alley
robbles1: Near Hog Alley
robbles1: Old Whizzer Motorbikes
robbles1: 1968 Murray bike
robbles1: Whizzer bike
robbles1: Fall vine leaves on the side of a building
robbles1: St. Peter's Catholic Church
robbles1: Outline shape of where the previous buiding was
robbles1: General Store
robbles1: Hardware Store
robbles1: View of St. Peter's under the trestle