Robbie Shone: Lake Cadoux in The Gouffre Berger - France
Robbie Shone: Keeping warm in The Gouffre Berger, France
Robbie Shone: Hall of the Thirteen - Gouffre Berger
Robbie Shone: James Alker swimming through the Pseudo Siphon in The Gouffre Berger at -1122m
Robbie Shone: Matthieu & Sophie Anne in The Hall of the Thirteen
Robbie Shone: Looking down Puits Garby at caver Adam Spillane - The Gouffre Berger
Robbie Shone: Chris Blakeley passes the deviation in puit Aldo - The Gouffre Berger
Robbie Shone: HMS Badger 1 crossing the entrance lake in the Grotte de Gournier
Robbie Shone: Marc Luetscher drops in at the base of the first pitch in Scialet des Fées Anglaises