Robbie Shone: 12C007-RCS-0609
Robbie Shone: Heavy carry in to base camp in the White Mountains
Robbie Shone: Tight squeeze in Colosuss
Robbie Shone: 2C002-RCS-0609
Robbie Shone: Hitching a ride down from the White Mts, Crete
Robbie Shone: Star Scene over the White Mountains, Crete
Robbie Shone: Base Camp in the White Mts, Crete
Robbie Shone: Deep in Colo'suss, Crete
Robbie Shone: Deep in Colo'suss, Crete
Robbie Shone: Deep in Colo'suss, Crete
Robbie Shone: Reaching the surface in the White Mts, Crete
Robbie Shone: About to prussik out of Hades, in the White Mts, Crete
Robbie Shone: The Dragon's Head (pitch) in the White Mts, Crete
Robbie Shone: Perfect shaft
Robbie Shone: A photographer trying to capture a drip in full bloom as it bursts up from a stalagmite