Robbie1: Clean up.
Robbie1: Starting to strip the 2 layers of old shingles.
Robbie1: Mess
Robbie1: Close up mess.
Robbie1: "Blue Skin" cut to length.
Robbie1: Down to the wood.
Robbie1: Getting ready to stick on the first row of "Blue Skin".
Robbie1: The "Blue Skin" waterproof membrane is down.
Robbie1: Blue Skin done on this side.
Robbie1: Not too close to the edge without saftey ropes.
Robbie1: We only worked on the North and South faces the first year.
Robbie1: Cutting with a grinder.
Robbie1: Eileen & Anne & one panel.
Robbie1: Fitting the panel under the ridge cap.
Robbie1: De-burring and remnants.
Robbie1: Steel is done on this side.
Robbie1: The steel arrives at the boat house.
Robbie1: Boat load.
Robbie1: Heading up the lake.
Robbie1: Shingles stripped from the east dormer.
Robbie1: The water proof membrane is black this year.
Robbie1: Marked out, ready to cut.
Robbie1: Cut the piece to fit here.
Robbie1: Stephen has been cutting
Robbie1: Fits well.