Robbie1: Radar tower
Robbie1: Non-spectacular northern lights.
Robbie1: I need more practice writing in the air backwards.
Robbie1: Spring in the Morgan arboretum
Robbie1: IMG_8546
Robbie1: IMG_8568
Robbie1: Sunny day
Robbie1: The Birches
Robbie1: IMG_8579
Robbie1: Cat parking, around the corner.
Robbie1: X country trail
Robbie1: IMG_5501
Robbie1: Morgan Arboretum
Robbie1: skiis
Robbie1: far radar
Robbie1: It has been an excellent year for skiing.
Robbie1: The Arbouritum on a sunny day
Robbie1: Twig
Robbie1: Reflections
Robbie1: Tree hugger!
Robbie1: Old tree with punk hairdo.
Robbie1: Moth or fungus?
Robbie1: woodpecker
Robbie1: pose
Robbie1: Forest floor
Robbie1: Chalet Pruche
Robbie1: Ferns along the old wall