robberfly12: Fire Throat
robberfly12: Flashy Migrant
robberfly12: Colorful Migrant
robberfly12: Resting Cerulan
robberfly12: Singing Cerulean
robberfly12: Late Summer Overbird
robberfly12: On the Sidelines
robberfly12: I see you!
robberfly12: Kentucky Warbler stare-down
robberfly12: Butter-butt
robberfly12: Magnolia in profile
robberfly12: At the Hawkwatch
robberfly12: On the ground
robberfly12: On the move
robberfly12: There's the necklace!
robberfly12: Where's the necklace?
robberfly12: Up in the Spruce
robberfly12: Angry Warbler
robberfly12: Well-named Bird
robberfly12: Showing the Colors
robberfly12: Black-throated Gray Profile
robberfly12: Black-throated Gray face on
robberfly12: Butter Butt
robberfly12: Another Yellow Warbler
robberfly12: Behind the thorns
robberfly12: Morning Magnolia
robberfly12: Masked Marauder
robberfly12: Elevated Ovenbird
robberfly12: Luscious Larva
robberfly12: Tentative Tennessee