roba4944: The View of Mt. Fuji, the highest, most beautiful mountain in Japan, from an express train
roba4944: Yellow leaves and a Buddhist bell at a temple in Japan
roba4944: Yellow leaves and a stele
roba4944: A facet in a temple; you have to wash your hands here before praying
roba4944: Maple leaves
roba4944: A leaf and waterdrops
roba4944: A camellia
roba4944: Fallen leaves in woods after raining
roba4944: Red Maple Leaves
roba4944: The Statue of Fox called "Inari" at a Japanese shrine
roba4944: A crow at the sunset
roba4944: Dried persimmons; bitter ones turns into sweet
roba4944: Drunk Racoon Ornaments on Sale
roba4944: Full of fall colors (in winter!)
roba4944: Red leaves and shadows
roba4944: The statue of a Buddhist traveler in the old days of Japan
roba4944: A Buddhist bell tower
roba4944: A Buddhist bell tower and red leaves
roba4944: A nature trail
roba4944: Clouds and a wing
roba4944: Japanese Plum-blossoms start blooming!
roba4944: A dandelion
roba4944: The camellia was dying...
roba4944: Transparent Japanese plum petals
roba4944: Waterdrops and a bud
roba4944: A Companion
roba4944: White blossoms of Japanese plum
roba4944: The Skyline of Nagoya City
roba4944: Wild ducks and a heron
roba4944: Cherry Blossoms (named Shiki sakura)