roba4944: You read "OY" from the Brooklyn side :)
roba4944: Brooklyn Bridge and a biker
roba4944: Panasonic GH3
roba4944: Looking at Lower Manhattan
roba4944: "YO" in Dumbo
roba4944: Shooting at the bridge
roba4944: A camera widow on a windy day
roba4944: Ladies taking a photowalk at the Brooklyn Bridge Park
roba4944: Brooklyn Bridge Park in a windy winter day
roba4944: The East River and Brooklyn Bridge
roba4944: Brooklyn Bridge
roba4944: Brooklyn Bridge Park
roba4944: Brooklyn Bridge Park
roba4944: The sky above the midtown became lighter on the New Year's day
roba4944: Sigma SD15
roba4944: One World Trade Center and a red cap
roba4944: Brooklyn Bridge Park
roba4944: Manhattan Bridge
roba4944: A Knee Bend
roba4944: Squibb Park Bridge
roba4944: Manhattan Bridge from the hole of fence
roba4944: To starboard
roba4944: Brooklyn Bridge and Jane's Carousel
roba4944: People hanging around
roba4944: Walking a dog under Brooklyn Bridge
roba4944: Jane's Carousel and Brooklyn Bridge at Night
roba4944: The Night View from Brooklyn Bridge Park
roba4944: Manhattan Bridge
roba4944: Brooklyn Bridge and Lower Manhattan