Rob Travis:
11th Annual AMPC finalist entry: A Natural Bouquet: Oconee Bells
Rob Travis:
Jacob's Ladder...and Friend
Rob Travis:
Iris Garden
Rob Travis:
Dutchman's Breeches
Rob Travis:
Fire Pink Pair
Rob Travis:
Fly Poison
Rob Travis:
Bluets on Stump
Rob Travis:
Blooming Redbud at Dawn
Rob Travis:
My Moody May apple
Rob Travis:
a Trillium Pair
Rob Travis:
Pink Lady Slipper
Rob Travis:
Round-Lobed Blue Hepatica
Rob Travis:
Oconee Bells after Rain
Rob Travis:
A trillium in Perfect light...
Rob Travis:
Showy Orchis...
Rob Travis:
Twin Oconee Bells, one of my favorite little wildflowers
Rob Travis:
Yellow Lady Slipper
Rob Travis:
Jack in the Pulpit_0434
Rob Travis:
Chickweed Macro
Rob Travis:
Pretty in Pink 1164
Rob Travis:
Fire Pink!
Rob Travis:
pretty little flower macro
Rob Travis:
Trout Lily Radical
Rob Travis:
Wild...! Geranium...!
Rob Travis:
Shooting Staaaaarrrr....
Rob Travis:
Spring Beauty...
Rob Travis:
Dwarf Crested Iris
Rob Travis:
Pretty Flame Azalea
Rob Travis:
Lady Slipper in B&W
Rob Travis:
Bluets in the Mist...