Judy Gallagher: Autumn Meadowhawk - Sympetrum vicinum, Rippon Lodge, Woodbridge, Virginia, November 17, 2023
livio.zappella: Z09_1388
Mike Reichardt Thanks for 5,7 Million views: Chateau du Nessay (Sur la Presqu'Île du Nessay) bei Ebbe / At low tide
After-the-Rain: Young Blackbird (Turdus merula)
Wildonline.blog: Chaffinch
Francesc F P: Despunta un nou dia
Francesc F P: Milà reial
Michele Borgarelli: Jodphur, the Blue City
Michele Borgarelli: Tower Clock
Francesc F P: Corriol anellat petit_Corriol petit_Corriolet
Francesc F P: Teixidor eurasiàtic
Zeanana: Village Weaver (aka Black Headed Weaver)
Alex Zehnder: Sonnenuntergang bei Dingenhart TG
Alex Zehnder: Winterthur
Francesc F P: Voltor comú
Francesc F P: Mallerenga de bigotis_Mallerenga de canyar
Francesc F P: Tallereta cuallarga_Busqueret roig
boonloke: NESTING
mandyhedley: Watercolour Effects on Waxwing Feeding
steveremley: Preening Peregrine Falcon
steveremley: Peregrine Falcon-4789
Michele Borgarelli: Early fall on the Blue Ridge Mountains
boonloke: SKIRT
okiox: Common Mormon in flight. Papilio polytes
okiox: Lesser sand plover at sunset. Charadrius mongolus
Michele Borgarelli: The Monkey Man
Francesc F P: Mallerenga de bigotis_Mallerenga de canyar
Francesc F P: Estol_Ramat_Bandada_Colla
Wildonline.blog: Greater Spotted Woodpecker