Rob React: arpege
Rob React: bread
Rob React: chicken at 404
Rob React: chicken roasted in hay
Rob React: couscous at 404
Rob React: desert
Rob React: eggs
Rob React: fried egg
Rob React: gaspacho with celery ice cream (one of the best single dishes I've ever eaten)
Rob React: nicoise
Rob React: potatoes broccoli mustard win sauce
Rob React: potatoes
Rob React: quite a plate
Rob React: random bread
Rob React: risotto
Rob React: serious business
Rob React: spanish ham up in here
Rob React: the line for Berthillon
Rob React: tomato and basil
Rob React: tomato sashimi
Rob React: tomato sushi
Rob React: tomato tart
Rob React: we have to go back
Rob React: yes I ate pasta in Paris
Rob React: COPE2 PARIS 2014
Rob React: invader paris
Rob React: cost enx paris
Rob React: 20000 people at the palace I get this to myself
Rob React: a copy of the capitoline wolf far from home
Rob React: a mile or two from the mayhem at versailles