Rob React:
Meb Keflezighi Winner of the 2014 Boston Marathon on Heartbreak Hill
Rob React:
head down running up heartbreak hill
Rob React:
oh hell yes Chris ran the Boston Marathon
Rob React:
2427 yes you ran up Heartbreak
Rob React:
4381, 3642 you guys did awesome today
Rob React:
these guys are pretty good at running marathons
Rob React:
neon green rocking Heartbreak Hill like it's a jog on a track
Rob React:
michael and declan doing their thing
Rob React:
that bright orange shirt made him run like a magic glass of orange juice
Rob React:
Juli Windsor smiling her way up Heartbreak Hill
Rob React:
see you next year
Rob React:
yeah 4526
Rob React:
yeah, peter
Rob React:
you go 8056 and 5027
Rob React:
1715, you ran straight up heartbreak hill
Rob React:
3319 wore that crazy costume all the way
Rob React:
6287 doing his thing
Rob React:
awesome running 4968
Rob React:
cresting heartbreak
Rob React:
eyes on the prize
Rob React:
it was a beautiful day
Rob React:
2013 yeah guy
Rob React:
2781 rocking the visor
Rob React:
Bad photo of the legend Joan Benoit Samuelson
Rob React:
BC guy running to BC
Rob React:
heartbreak hill 2014
Rob React:
1143 running Boston like a champ
Rob React:
1688 and 3038 on Heartbreak Hill
Rob React:
1898 for the win
Rob React:
these are some awesome runners