robnguyen01: Outside a mall in Bangalore
robnguyen01: sunny street
robnguyen01: Moon over Leela Palace hotel
robnguyen01: line of motorcycles
robnguyen01: Cows under the overpass
robnguyen01: some electrical work
robnguyen01: having a grand time
robnguyen01: Tuk tuks
robnguyen01: Jones Lang LaSalle in Bangalore
robnguyen01: On the street
robnguyen01: use me
robnguyen01: For Hire
robnguyen01: Sleepy
robnguyen01: This garden's got some real characters.
robnguyen01: Plant on a Pedestal
robnguyen01: use me please
robnguyen01: 120731-15-24-46-
robnguyen01: guardian cow
robnguyen01: columns
robnguyen01: 120731-15-29-07-
robnguyen01: 120731-15-29-15-
robnguyen01: columns
robnguyen01: 120731-15-41-20-
robnguyen01: 120731-15-43-48-
robnguyen01: 120731-15-46-37-
robnguyen01: 120731-15-49-17-
robnguyen01: 120731-15-59-09-
robnguyen01: 120731-16-27-18-
robnguyen01: 120731-16-28-09-