rob704: couple at Jefferson
rob704: couple at Jefferson 2
rob704: under the dome
rob704: On the steps
rob704: Jefferson under the dome
rob704: Jefferson 4 bw
rob704: jefferson 3 bw
rob704: man among the columns
rob704: Jefferson 2
rob704: dancing in the columns
rob704: couple in the columns
rob704: couple in the columns bw
rob704: columns of fire
rob704: Jefferson
rob704: S6300002
rob704: jefferson2
rob704: S6300003
rob704: S6300004
rob704: S6300005
rob704: S6300006
rob704: S6300007
rob704: Jefferson
rob704: S6300008
rob704: S6300009
rob704: S6300010
rob704: S6300016
rob704: price of freedom
rob704: capitol dome
rob704: washington monument 2
rob704: S6300096