rob.kibler: 1988-Bill Gray, Jr., and Clarence Kibler-blowing up balloons - 1
rob.kibler: 1993-07-04 Chicken BBQ-Clarence Kibler collecting money for the chicken
rob.kibler: 1994-12-05-22D Lions Social
rob.kibler: 1994-12-06-22D Lions Social
rob.kibler: 1994-12-08-22D Lions Social
rob.kibler: 1994-12-10-22D Lions Social
rob.kibler: 1994-Beverly Ireland,Father Rinaldi, some of the Nuns, from the Benedictine School-Guests of Kibler's & Mary Kibler
rob.kibler: 1994-King Lion Bill Simms,Mary & CS Clarence (Kibbie) Kibler
rob.kibler: 1994-Lillian Burr-Evelyn Stafford,Mary & Clarence Kibler
rob.kibler: 1994-PDG Joe Wood,King Lion Bobby Dean,New Lion Don Vincent & PCS Clarence Kibler-Sponsor
rob.kibler: 1995 Ocean City Lions Club
rob.kibler: 1995 Ocean City Lions Club
rob.kibler: 1995 VA Beach Convention
rob.kibler: 1995-01-01 22A Lions Social
rob.kibler: 1995-01-02 22A Lions Social
rob.kibler: 1995-01-03 22A Lions Social
rob.kibler: 1995-01-05 22A Lions Social
rob.kibler: 1995-Dad and Joe Wood with the Lion
rob.kibler: 1995-DCT Goldsborough & Evelyn Stafford,Mary & DCS Clarence Kibler
rob.kibler: 1995-DCT Goldsborough Stafford,DG Joe Wood & DCS Clarence Kibler
rob.kibler: 1995-District Cabinet Secretary on the Greensboro Lions-Lion
rob.kibler: 1995-District Cabinet Secretary-Clarence Kibler and His Wife Mary
rob.kibler: 1995-Evelyn Stafford,Barbara Wood, & Mary Kibler
rob.kibler: 1995-Kibbie & Mary Kibler
rob.kibler: 1998 Frances Cartrette, Bert McCarthy and Lion Clarence Kibler dancing
rob.kibler: 1998-Barbara Cook, PCS Lion Clarence and Mary Kibler, Margie Harding and standing is Joann Hickman-talking to Mary
rob.kibler: 1998-Formal Picture of The Greensboro Lions Club members in attendance (see 121 for List of names)
rob.kibler: 1998-Lion Bill Kinnamon and PCS Lion Clarence Kibler
rob.kibler: 1998-Lion Bill Kinnamon, Dale Kinnamon across the table Lion Clarence Kibler, Gladys Kinnamon and Gale Kinnamon
rob.kibler: 1998-Lion Jack Keats, Treasurer Lion Bill Gray, Jr., Lion Dr, Joe McCarthy, PCS Lion Clarence Kibler and Secretary Lion Dorsey Wooters,