robnet: Nick's acceptance speech
robnet: Tim and Andy do a spot of djing
robnet: Pondering the tactics of table football
robnet: Game on
robnet: Nick's beautiful wrist action
robnet: Suraiya head-butts the table in frustration
robnet: Take that little plastic men!
robnet: The concentration...
robnet: So you see, table football is a metaphor for life really
robnet: Struggling with inferior cameras
robnet: Suraiya's hand trying to escape her arm
robnet: Look how long my fingers are!
robnet: Cheese
robnet: And then I crushed his testicles with my bare hands
robnet: Ow my foot
robnet: And it's going in....
robnet: Looooooooooooser!
robnet: happy happy joy joy
robnet: People don't take this game seriously enough
robnet: Look into my eyes - don't look around the eyes -