SGB1974: 0804, L-29 Delfin, Czech Air Force, with Chinese letters
SGB1974: 0404, MiG-21, Czech Air Force
SGB1974: 0804, L-29 Delfin, Czech Air Force
SGB1974: 0404, MiG-21, Czech Air Force front view
SGB1974: Empty meadow near Hengelo, GLD
SGB1974: Entrance to Slot Nijenbeek
SGB1974: Slot Nijenbeek
SGB1974: Spider with eggcocon
SGB1974: Reuversweerd, still showing the damage from intense fighting during WWII
SGB1974: Treeline on the horizon
SGB1974: Garden in Cortenoever
SGB1974: Barbwire at a meadow in Cortenoever
SGB1974: Propellor wash in the IJssel
SGB1974: Flowers in sunse
SGB1974: Cow Eyes
SGB1974: Dutch cow in early morning sunshine
SGB1974: Sunset at the IJssel