RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 1 VIDEO - Mozambique Bike Recipient Testimony 11-12-13
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 2 VIDEO - Mozambique Rick Praying over Bike Recipient 11-12-13
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 3 VIDEO - Mozambique Church Members Song & Praise at Bike Presentation 11-12-13
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 4 VIDEO - Mozambique Pastor Filipe Rafael Sitoe Testimony & Prayer 11-12-13
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 5 VIDEO - Mozambique Pastor Andre Ngovene Testimony 11-12-13-1
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 6 VIDEO - Mozambique Hugo Speaking & Rick Praying at Bike Presentation 11-12-13
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 7 VIDEO - Mozambique Children Playing Game in Sand 11-12-13
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 8 VIDEO - Mozambique Hugo Leading Children Singing3 at a Church 11-12-13
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 9 VIDEO - Mozambique Pam Leading Children Singing4 at a Church 11-12-13
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 9a VIDEO - Mozambique Pam Leading Children Singing5 at a Church 11-12-13
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 10 VIDEO - Swaziland Rick Praying over Pastors with Team 11-14-13
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 11 VIDEO - Swaziland Kids Singing1 11-14-13
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 12 VIDEO - Swaziland Kids & Team Singing 11-14-13
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 13 VIDEO - Swaziland Hugo Leading Kids Singing 11-14-13
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 14 VIDEO - Swaziland Pam Leading Kids Singing5 11-14-13
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 15 VIDEO - Swaziland Pam Leading Kids Singing3 11-14-13
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 16 VIDEO - Swaziland Pam Leading Kids Singing6 11-14-13
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 16a VIDEO - Swaziland Pam Leading Kids Singing4 11-14-13
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 17 VIDEO - Swaziland Night Service Pastor Makhosi Bike Present 11-14-13
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 18 VIDEO - Swaziland Rick Praying over student Pastors 11-15-13
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 19 VIDEO - Swaziland Night Praise Songs3 11-15-13. Only power in primitive church was battery powered light.
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 20 VIDEO - Swaziland Night Praise Songs5 11-15-13. Only power in primitive church was battery powered light.
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 21 VIDEO - Swaziland Night Praise Songs6 11-15-13. Only power in primitive church was battery powered light.
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 22 VIDEO - Swaziland Night Praise Songs7 11-15-13. Only power in primitive church was battery powered light.
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 23 VIDEO - Swaziland Night Praise Songs8 11-15-13. Only power in primitive church was battery powered light.
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 24 VIDEO - Swaziland Night Give Gift Necklace to Team & Song 11-15-13. Only power in primitive church was battery powered light.
RoadRiderAl - WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO JOURNAL: 25 VIDEO - Swaziland Night Service Closing Song & Prayer Low Light 11-15-13