roadracer50: 7272coffee
roadracer50: Spanish restaurant Tio Akira
roadracer50: Hoshino coffee
roadracer50: Persimmon ice of the strawberry sirup
roadracer50: Persimmon ice of the espresso sirup
roadracer50: family lunch
roadracer50: pop over
roadracer50: Persimmon ice of black syrup and the Ogura powdered green tea
roadracer50: Vanilla waffle
roadracer50: Mont Blanc
roadracer50: on my desk before the work
roadracer50: Luncheon mat of the entry in the family register memorial
roadracer50: salt and sugar
roadracer50: Shironoir in KOMEDA coffee
roadracer50: Half-eaten bean‐jam bun
roadracer50: At the night before the holiday in a coffee shop
roadracer50: italian restaurant TOSCA
roadracer50: on the table of starbucks
roadracer50: Milk pitcher 1
roadracer50: Milk pitcher 2
roadracer50: Water and coffee(Denny's)
roadracer50: Melon pan ice cream
roadracer50: three oranges on the table at this morning
roadracer50: Portable Thermos Bottle
roadracer50: A thermal insulation water bottle and mug
roadracer50: subway hotcoffee
roadracer50: there is a empty space of a cake.
roadracer50: 20151001_travel to TOI 03
roadracer50: 20160426_riding and shopping
roadracer50: a tuna sandwich