road_less_trvled: At the End of Days.
road_less_trvled: The Earth will have her ravages revenged...
road_less_trvled: The scales of time, come 'round once more...
road_less_trvled: But justice is measured in aeons...
road_less_trvled: Nature cries for justice...
road_less_trvled: Man, the masters, have abandoned her...
road_less_trvled: The waters weep, befouled and betrayed...
road_less_trvled: The vault of the sky mourns the earth...
road_less_trvled: Where toxic noxious poisons lurk, glowering...
road_less_trvled: Luring the unwary into pits of despair...
road_less_trvled: Lurk undisturbed, quiescent metal forms...
road_less_trvled: Cankerous and mishapen, foetid forms...
road_less_trvled: Where no one treads...
road_less_trvled: Of a vast, distant shore...
road_less_trvled: Littered on the ground, the rusting hulks...
road_less_trvled: Vapid, sulphurous pits spawning decay...
road_less_trvled: It sits, mustering and putrescent...
road_less_trvled: The bones of some extinct industrial dinosaur...
road_less_trvled: Is now long gone...
road_less_trvled: Stagnant, putrid..
road_less_trvled: What was once here...
road_less_trvled: Phoenix Iron Co: Foundry Building
road_less_trvled: Phoenix Iron Co: Foundry Building
road_less_trvled: Phoenix Iron Co: Foundry Building
road_less_trvled: Phoenix Iron Co: Foundry Building