road_less_trvled: Entropy never sleeps
road_less_trvled: The Darkness in the Light
road_less_trvled: Time, its talons quenched in blood-dust, circles inexorably, hungry...
road_less_trvled: Resigned, the house breathes its's time has come and gone into the past. Time, swollen with it's carcass and bloated, lumbers toward its next victim.
road_less_trvled: But wait...the sun also rises...a reprieve from the Darkness is temporarily granted. Time slithers back into its putrid hole. One more day.
road_less_trvled: Beyond, the barn shudders. The fates circle overhead, undimensioned and unseen, gathering to devour another victim.
road_less_trvled: The barn acknowledges its vulnerability with a softness of has had its time in the sun.
road_less_trvled: The Descending Dark....the cold...Time is infinitely patient. The House holds it's breath, guarding the sacred barn.
road_less_trvled: Only the bleached white boards of its death shell remain.
road_less_trvled: Even the moon, in full's light pale and ghostly...sheds no warmth here
road_less_trvled: Sentinal at the Gates of Forever, the house holds it's breath, lest Time hear it still breathing.
road_less_trvled: The feeble moon's glow, illumines the forsaken farm.
road_less_trvled: The vault of the sky collapses its weight on the farm
road_less_trvled: Do you dare enter?
road_less_trvled: Even the trees groan with the weight of unutterable visions of the past
road_less_trvled: There is no time...only ghosts of the past
road_less_trvled: Sadness, for the loss of one so old...such character.....
road_less_trvled: Vanity of vanity....all is vanity