rnoblin: happy to be here
rnoblin: sunset from our beach
rnoblin: sunset swim
rnoblin: Chung offers Carrie paper rose
rnoblin: dancing
rnoblin: dancing
rnoblin: Placencia
rnoblin: Boat to Laughting Bird Island
rnoblin: boat to Laughing Bird Island
rnoblin: Belize and Guatemala Feb 2009 056
rnoblin: Belize and Guatemala Feb 2009 060
rnoblin: Chung's dad and Michal
rnoblin: Belize and Guatemala Feb 2009 067
rnoblin: Belize and Guatemala Feb 2009 068
rnoblin: Belize and Guatemala Feb 2009 074
rnoblin: snorkeling
rnoblin: Belize and Guatemala Feb 2009 081
rnoblin: post-snorkeling - brr!
rnoblin: pelicans
rnoblin: Michal loves parrots
rnoblin: Belize and Guatemala Feb 2009 093
rnoblin: Peter, Chung, Carrie, Michal
rnoblin: egret
rnoblin: Belize and Guatemala Feb 2009 099
rnoblin: yellow bird
rnoblin: Monkey River
rnoblin: howler monkey
rnoblin: mushroom
rnoblin: mushroom
rnoblin: bamboo