rnoblin: wasting meat offends everyone
rnoblin: Team Environment in Kotz airport
rnoblin: $14.54 bowl of fruit in Kotz store
rnoblin: streets of Kotz
rnoblin: Team Environment in Kotz
rnoblin: cemetary, playground in Kotz
rnoblin: high security
rnoblin: the Navajo
rnoblin: first ride in a tiny plane
rnoblin: goodbye, Kotz
rnoblin: moon from the plane
rnoblin: Erik and sun
rnoblin: hello, Point Hope
rnoblin: First place prize - cutest police logo in America
rnoblin: cold
rnoblin: moon over Point Hope
rnoblin: bowhead whale bones - ceremonial site
rnoblin: bowhead whale bones - ceremonial site
rnoblin: bowhead whale bones - ceremonial site
rnoblin: me in front of bowhead whale bones
rnoblin: skin boat frame
rnoblin: Chukchi Sea shore ice
rnoblin: Chukchi Sea
rnoblin: me in front of the Chukchi Sea
rnoblin: Betskimo
rnoblin: two lawyers and a pregnant lady
rnoblin: Team Ice
rnoblin: Day two - blizzard
rnoblin: Betsy walks across the street
rnoblin: Tikigaq takeout