Rui P Baião: Monkey Temple, Kathmandu, Nepal
Rui P Baião: Royal Square, Kathmandu, Nepal
Rui P Baião: Elephant of the gods, Patan, Nepal
Rui P Baião: Feral Guardian, Patan, Nepal
Rui P Baião: Stone temple, Patan, Nepal
Rui P Baião: Protector, Bhaktapur, Nepal
Rui P Baião: Amongst The Gods, Bhaktapur, Nepal
Rui P Baião: Travelling Through Temples, Bhaktapur, Nepal
Rui P Baião: Landmark Of Divinty, Kathmandu, Nepal
Rui P Baião: Boudhanath, Kathmandu, Nepal
Rui P Baião: The Grand Stupa, Kathmandu, Nepal