Rmonty119: #3 Halloween at Walmart
Rmonty119: #4 Cactus flower Cumbra California
Rmonty119: #6 Mcway falls, California
Rmonty119: #7 Bixby Bridge
Rmonty119: #8 Mcway falls, California
Rmonty119: #9 Bixby Bridge
Rmonty119: #10 Yosemite Valley and Half Dome
Rmonty119: #11 Half Dome, Yosemite
Rmonty119: #12 Coulterville CA
Rmonty119: #13 Sunlight on to water, Yosemite
Rmonty119: #14 Still waters, Yosemite
Rmonty119: #15 El Capitan Yosemite
Rmonty119: #17 Fort Point SF
Rmonty119: #16 Fort Point SF
Rmonty119: # 18 Fort Point SF
Rmonty119: #19 Fort Point SF
Rmonty119: #22 Palace of Fine Arts SF
Rmonty119: #21 Palace of Fine Arts SF
Rmonty119: #23 Palace of Fine Arts SF
Rmonty119: #24 Palace of Fine Arts SF
Rmonty119: #25 Palace of Fine Arts SF
Rmonty119: #20 Fort Point SF
Rmonty119: $26 Golden Gate Bridge SF
Rmonty119: #27 Fort Ross CA
Rmonty119: #28 Mendocine, Headlands Park
Rmonty119: #30 Mendocine, Headlands Parkas
Rmonty119: #26 On the Beach
Rmonty119: #27A Fort Ross
Rmonty119: #27B Fort Ross
Rmonty119: #27C Fort Ross