RMIT - School of Architecture and Urban Design:
teegan meade DSC1166
RMIT - School of Architecture and Urban Design:
blake barnes DSC1168
RMIT - School of Architecture and Urban Design:
stephen ward DSC1170
RMIT - School of Architecture and Urban Design:
stephen ward DSC1171
RMIT - School of Architecture and Urban Design:
john gosper DSC1174
RMIT - School of Architecture and Urban Design:
chris ran lin DSC1177
RMIT - School of Architecture and Urban Design:
katie dickinson DSC1180
RMIT - School of Architecture and Urban Design:
christina exie DSC1182
RMIT - School of Architecture and Urban Design:
tianyi sun DSC1184
RMIT - School of Architecture and Urban Design:
marco agosta DSC1187
RMIT - School of Architecture and Urban Design:
marco agosta DSC1188
RMIT - School of Architecture and Urban Design:
bernadette francis DSC1190
RMIT - School of Architecture and Urban Design:
amelia agosta DSC1193
RMIT - School of Architecture and Urban Design:
amelia agosta DSC1194
RMIT - School of Architecture and Urban Design:
natasha fagg DSC1196
RMIT - School of Architecture and Urban Design:
natasha faggDSC1197
RMIT - School of Architecture and Urban Design:
millinery 2nd & 3rd year DSC1199
RMIT - School of Architecture and Urban Design:
millinery 2nd & 3rd year DSC1200
RMIT - School of Architecture and Urban Design:
millinery 2nd & 3rd year DSC1201
RMIT - School of Architecture and Urban Design:
millinery 2nd & 3rd year DSC1202
RMIT - School of Architecture and Urban Design:
adi horic DSC1204
RMIT - School of Architecture and Urban Design:
adi horic DSC1205