rmc47: IMG_8613 - Flossie and the HARS mast
rmc47: IMG_8618 - Clive operating CW
rmc47: IMG_8617 - Clive operating CW
rmc47: IMG_8614
rmc47: IMG_8612 - The pileups were exhausting!
rmc47: IMG_8610 - David and Pete on 80m
rmc47: IMG_8609 - Trying to find some shade...
rmc47: IMG_8608 - The Ramsey Rural Museum tea shop
rmc47: IMG_8607 - Part of Ramsey Rural Museum
rmc47: IMG_8604 - Stewart and David
rmc47: IMG_8603 - Pete operating on HF
rmc47: IMG_8602 - Operating HF in Flossie
rmc47: IMG_8600 - David on 80m
rmc47: IMG_8599 - Steve on 20m in Flossie
rmc47: IMG_8594 - Guying for the mast supporting the G5RV
rmc47: IMG_8592 - Nearly vertical!
rmc47: IMG_8590 - First mast up...
rmc47: IMG_8588
rmc47: IMG_8587
rmc47: IMG_8585 - Walking the mast upwards...