Thistle garden II: Rhaponticoides africana @ Sesimbra 22.05.2022
Pete.L .Hawkins Photography: IMGP9967 Caterpillar of the - Deilephila elpenor
Pete.L .Hawkins Photography: IMGP9965 Caterpillar of the - Deilephila elpenor
Pete.L .Hawkins Photography: IMGP9872 Forest Bug or Red Legged Shieldbug - Pentatoma rufipes
Pete.L .Hawkins Photography: IMGP9868 Forest Bug or Red Legged Shieldbug - Pentatoma rufipes
sylvek1: Sunset
sylvek1: Oscarshall
sylvek1: starling
sylvek1: Sanktuarium Świętego Józefa w Krakowie – Podgórzu
sylvek1: marsh hibiscus
sylvek1: Oslo at night
sylvek1: Branta canadensis
sylvek1: greylag goose
DSHealy1954: USA 76
rohnerstefan: Frühlingszauber in Pink
rohnerstefan: Roter Mohn am Wegrand
rohnerstefan: Fluss in einer herbstlichen Berglandschaft
rohnerstefan: Pinkfarbige Dahlie
rohnerstefan: Gelber Sonnenhut im alten Schrebergarten
rohnerstefan: Graffiti on the train freight car
coragitter: Mauerblümchen - Wallflower
coragitter: Blick zur Festung Königstein
coragitter: Zweifarbiger Krustenschichtpilz - Laxitextum bicolor
coragitter: Glimmertintling, Coprinellus micaceus
Gary Faulkner's wildlife photography: Oak Hook-tip - Watsonalla binaria
Gary Faulkner's wildlife photography: Rusty Acorn Piercer - Cydia amplana
thomaskoutsochristos: thomas-1058 Sunset in Preveza, Epirus-Greece!
Jean mi...: Le Myrtil Maniola jurtina ?
Jean mi...: Belle-Dame Vanessa Cardui painted lady