rebecca lopez: Meet Winsconsin Jr.
rebecca lopez: Winsconsin and her sidekick, Janitor Poopatine
rebecca lopez: Hi. I'm Wisconsin. Nice to meet you.
rebecca lopez: Toothless smile.
rebecca lopez: They are my heart, they are my soul, they are my life, they are my love, and they are my reason for being. They are my children.
rebecca lopez: perfect imperfection
rebecca lopez: When I look at my daughter I see myself...only better. - Author Unknown
rebecca lopez: To my son - if only you knew that my happiness is in your smile.
rebecca lopez: The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. - EE Cummings
rebecca lopez: My girl
rebecca lopez: New Love
rebecca lopez: Snowmen fall from heaven... unassembled. - Unknown
rebecca lopez: I love the way he looks at me...even after all these years.
rebecca lopez: My girl. :)
rebecca lopez: This is the best stuff...ever...
rebecca lopez: My baby. :)
rebecca lopez: Goofy girl. :)
rebecca lopez: My boy. :)
rebecca lopez: Daddy's Baby
rebecca lopez: The little one was scared to roll down the hill.
rebecca lopez: Finally...a picture I like of myself. :)
rebecca lopez: Heaven is the face of a little girl with dark brown eyes that disappear when she smiles.
rebecca lopez: My Girls