rlonas: egret
rlonas: bird on bokeh
rlonas: backyard hummingbird
rlonas: coming in for a landing
rlonas: so... hummingbirds have long tongues!
rlonas: reflection
rlonas: egret and reflection
rlonas: one good tern deserves another, and another,and another, and another...
rlonas: house finch
rlonas: sanderlings in the early morning
rlonas: sanderlings in the rain
rlonas: it was a good morning for birds :)
rlonas: shy
rlonas: I wish that I had duck feet...
rlonas: yellow bird in the backyard
rlonas: great blue heron
rlonas: sanderlings
rlonas: egret
rlonas: early morning mourning dove
rlonas: another bird in the bottlebrush
rlonas: house finch
rlonas: backyard bird
rlonas: yeah... it's him
rlonas: a bird in the frame is worth two in the bush
rlonas: danger! danger! wave coming in!
rlonas: black bird
rlonas: angry bird
rlonas: it's not about the bird
rlonas: sometimes you just gotta sing!
rlonas: sanderlings