IntrepidXJ: Buckskin Gap
IntrepidXJ: Sand in the Middle
IntrepidXJ: Sand-Stone
IntrepidXJ: Ribbed
IntrepidXJ: Twin Peaks
IntrepidXJ: Down the Wash
IntrepidXJ: Sandy Wash
IntrepidXJ: Billboard Panel
IntrepidXJ: Passage Panel
IntrepidXJ: West Bench Pueblo
IntrepidXJ: One Arm
IntrepidXJ: Vermilion Petroglyphs
IntrepidXJ: Crack in the Ledge
IntrepidXJ: Vermilion Cliffs Jeep
IntrepidXJ: Marble Canyon
IntrepidXJ: ADVENTR Jeep II
IntrepidXJ: Badlands
IntrepidXJ: Nipple Creek Road
IntrepidXJ: Wahweap Dawn
IntrepidXJ: Tower of Silence Sunrise
IntrepidXJ: Hoodoo Cove
IntrepidXJ: Underneath
IntrepidXJ: On the End
IntrepidXJ: Wahweap Hoodoos
IntrepidXJ: Wahweap Sunrise
IntrepidXJ: White Sand
IntrepidXJ: The Tower