rlj: Travis and a chocolate
rlj: chocolates from San Francisco
rlj: Conference Girls
rlj: back home in the Eugene airport
rlj: Me and Reed on the plane
rlj: bar art
rlj: San Francisco transportation
rlj: It's a full kumquat!
rlj: kumquat chocolate
rlj: a chocolate souvenir
rlj: picking out my chocolates
rlj: lemon mint bubble tea
rlj: Norwegian crepe
rlj: view from the hotel
rlj: conference group 2
rlj: conference group
rlj: closing session
rlj: hmmm...
rlj: Doug & Lori
rlj: walking around Oakland
rlj: so tired by the third day...
rlj: gelato
rlj: the SF Apple store
rlj: tasty drink
rlj: Reed & me at the Thai food restaurant
rlj: Osha Noodle Tom Yum
rlj: eating gelato
rlj: Lori & Doug preparing for their presentation
rlj: obviously saying something really important
rlj: getting ready to present