Ricky Leong: Crystal effect
Ricky Leong: Urban
Ricky Leong: Willamette Iron Works
Ricky Leong: Pioneer Square totem pole
Ricky Leong: Do not step out of this area
Ricky Leong: Garden of glass 1
Ricky Leong: Garden of glass 2
Ricky Leong: Garden of glass 3
Ricky Leong: Garden of glass 4
Ricky Leong: Garden of glass 5
Ricky Leong: Garden of glass 6
Ricky Leong: Garden of glass 7
Ricky Leong: Garden of glass 8
Ricky Leong: All dressed up
Ricky Leong: These seats must be vacated, happily
Ricky Leong: Afternoon at the Palace
Ricky Leong: Docked
Ricky Leong: Powell Street cable car
Ricky Leong: View from Municipal Pier
Ricky Leong: Face of Fine Arts
Ricky Leong: Hyde St. Pier
Ricky Leong: Spanning the gate
Ricky Leong: Gleaming in the afternoon
Ricky Leong: Pool
Ricky Leong: Necessary tension
Ricky Leong: Let me slip away on you
Ricky Leong: Ride happy
Ricky Leong: Scorpion's tale
Ricky Leong: Scorpion's tale II
Ricky Leong: Lamp