Ricky Leong: Pioneer Square
Ricky Leong: River of fog
Ricky Leong: One-dollar coin
Ricky Leong: Sidewalk driver
Ricky Leong: Goo goo
Ricky Leong: Season for squashes
Ricky Leong: 'Flight' of Scotch
Ricky Leong: Wall of whisky
Ricky Leong: This bird won't fly
Ricky Leong: Alternative forms of transportation
Ricky Leong: Car for sale
Ricky Leong: Tables and chairs
Ricky Leong: Where land and sky meet
Ricky Leong: Sun-swept landscape
Ricky Leong: Muy delicioso
Ricky Leong: Sizzle Pie
Ricky Leong: Voodoo Donuts
Ricky Leong: Laurelhurst
Ricky Leong: Seeing is believing
Ricky Leong: Walt Disney Concert Hall
Ricky Leong: Parks and rec
Ricky Leong: Park here
Ricky Leong: Sidewalk piggy
Ricky Leong: Pier 50
Ricky Leong: Old Town Portland
Ricky Leong: No sitting
Ricky Leong: Good ship Portland
Ricky Leong: Vacant smile
Ricky Leong: Uncola
Ricky Leong: Leaves hanging on