rlcasey: We went to Greece for Dad's 60th. The main town was a shortish stroll from where we were staying. Mostly the walk passed through other resorts. They were in various stages of undress, still being readied for the main season. There were a few more house-y
rlcasey: On the rare occasions that I leave on time, this is one of the views I get on the way to work. Helps with medium tough mornings :)
rlcasey: Fourth time up Pen Y Fan in a month, this time with my family. Starting to like this regular mountain walking thing.
rlcasey: I've just walked out of my last counselling session and I'm feeling LOTS. Grateful to have had the opportunity and good fortune to find someone I'm able to work with in only two tries. Scared to go out on my own again, without the reassurance, simplicity
rlcasey: Taken on a spur of the moment romp up a massive mountain last year. It *might* have been a hillock masquerading as a mountain, but it looked impressive from the roadside! Lovely memories of the walk and skinny dipping in the lake nearby. Odd how much mor
rlcasey: Taken from my car window on the way to work. Processed automatically (without me even asking it to do it too, somewhat creepily!) by Google's photos app
rlcasey: Glastonbury Moment
rlcasey: Flaming Whizzbangs
rlcasey: Everything Is Illuminated (by Flaming Whizzbangs)
rlcasey: parklife
rlcasey: skinny DoF
rlcasey: a centre full of crane
rlcasey: a little corner of london
rlcasey: Brecon Beacon
rlcasey: soft black stars
rlcasey: London Eye
rlcasey: the decks
rlcasey: 2010
rlcasey: Snow!
rlcasey: Snow!
rlcasey: Snow!!!
rlcasey: steadfast
rlcasey: Light Lunch
rlcasey: shadows in the night
rlcasey: all summer long
rlcasey: sometimes stars will only reveal themselves to you if you pay attention long enough
rlcasey: kink city, sunday evening
rlcasey: witching hour
rlcasey: Chateau Mont Segur
rlcasey: cycling in the rain