DJ Ksar: Black Rock Cove at the Sheraton Kaanapali Beach
DJ Ksar: The Hula Grill on Kaanapali Beach
DJ Ksar: buffet line at the pasta party
DJ Ksar: Pasta Party
DJ Ksar: Buffet line at the Pasta Party
DJ Ksar: Palm Trees
DJ Ksar: Decorating our singlets
DJ Ksar: Singlet drying up
DJ Ksar: CIMG0422.JPG
DJ Ksar: CIMG0423.JPG
DJ Ksar: CIMG0424.JPG
DJ Ksar: CIMG0425.JPG
DJ Ksar: applying the puffy paint to the singlet
DJ Ksar: Cancer Survivor Peter Idiart's singlet
DJ Ksar: Katie all excited about her cool singlet
DJ Ksar: decorating our singlets
DJ Ksar: CIMG0432.JPG
DJ Ksar: CIMG0433.JPG
DJ Ksar: CIMG0434.JPG
DJ Ksar: glowing
DJ Ksar: in the lobby with fellow teammates
DJ Ksar: On the bus
DJ Ksar: On the bus
DJ Ksar: My Friend Liz getting interviewed by ESPN
DJ Ksar: coat check van
DJ Ksar: all the food at the beginning
DJ Ksar: all the food at the beginning
DJ Ksar: CIMG0444.JPG
DJ Ksar: My friend Liz smiling at the start
DJ Ksar: team photo