DJ Ksar: Ranya, Larissa (blurry one), and Justin
DJ Ksar: take that
DJ Ksar: Woodburn outlets in Oregon near Albany
DJ Ksar: Kari (left) and Ranya (right)
DJ Ksar: Justin
DJ Ksar: coffee menu
DJ Ksar: Friend's Don't Let Friend Drink Starbucks!
DJ Ksar: DSC_0108
DJ Ksar: Kari, Larissa, and Ranya in their beautiful hats
DJ Ksar: drolling over the Nikon accessories at this Shutterbug store in Oregon
DJ Ksar: Fresh of the grill menu at Elephant Deli in Portland, OR
DJ Ksar: tossing the pizza
DJ Ksar: Marinated Shrimp anyone
DJ Ksar: marinated shirmp
DJ Ksar: train cruising by
DJ Ksar: Justin in the rear-view mirror
DJ Ksar: smile
DJ Ksar: DSC_0118
DJ Ksar: in the car
DJ Ksar: awesome Kitchen!
DJ Ksar: ceiling fan
DJ Ksar: DSC_0123
DJ Ksar: DSC_0124
DJ Ksar: the gang looking at new houses
DJ Ksar: DSC_0126
DJ Ksar: DSC_0127
DJ Ksar: Driving thru Albany, OR
DJ Ksar: on the road from Corvallis to Albany
DJ Ksar: the snowcap Mt. Hood in the background
DJ Ksar: DSC_0132