DJ Ksar: At the first waterstop atop of Ralston Ave.
DJ Ksar: At the first waterstop atop of Ralston Ave.
DJ Ksar: View of Sawyer Camp Trail
DJ Ksar: View of the reservoir at Sawyer Camp Trail
DJ Ksar: On sawyer camp trail
DJ Ksar: Joni, me, and Mary at he waterstop
DJ Ksar: CIMG2520
DJ Ksar: Bill
DJ Ksar: Omer
DJ Ksar: Omer, Bill, and Alex
DJ Ksar: Omer, me, and Bill
DJ Ksar: 92 and Canada
DJ Ksar: 92 and Canada
DJ Ksar: 92 and Canada
DJ Ksar: Awesome dried fruit from Stoneridge
DJ Ksar: At the last water stop
DJ Ksar: CIMG2530
DJ Ksar: At the last waterstop
DJ Ksar: People finishing the Tour De Peninsula
DJ Ksar: The Finish line
DJ Ksar: At the finish line
DJ Ksar: Friend finishing
DJ Ksar: Friend finishing
DJ Ksar: Friend finishing
DJ Ksar: At the Finish line with friends
DJ Ksar: Da Band
DJ Ksar: The band jamming at Tour De Peninsula
DJ Ksar: At Sequoia High School after the Tour De Peninsula