rkimpeljr: Carpenter bee on puprle vetch2
rkimpeljr: Carpenter bee on puprle vetch
rkimpeljr: P1060135
rkimpeljr: P1060134
rkimpeljr: Wasps at Red Rocks
rkimpeljr: Stingers on Bristles
rkimpeljr: ants tending aphids
rkimpeljr: flower in the forest
rkimpeljr: Ants at the Monument
rkimpeljr: ant moving big thing
rkimpeljr: ant hole at the Monument
rkimpeljr: ant hill
rkimpeljr: hiding
rkimpeljr: P1030778
rkimpeljr: Black wasp
rkimpeljr: P1030774
rkimpeljr: P1030585
rkimpeljr: Spider on fence
rkimpeljr: Harvester ant hole
rkimpeljr: ants tending aphids on flower
rkimpeljr: P1030324
rkimpeljr: P1030322
rkimpeljr: P1030321
rkimpeljr: P1030317
rkimpeljr: P1030313
rkimpeljr: P1030311
rkimpeljr: P1030307
rkimpeljr: P1030829
rkimpeljr: P1030823
rkimpeljr: Hiding from the bee?