@LeFraming: Action Hero ABHI
@LeFraming: Blue hour pigeon
@LeFraming: Grape Texture
@LeFraming: a mischief` her
@LeFraming: Anas poecilorhyncha
@LeFraming: A view from the covelong shore
@LeFraming: Painted Stork
@LeFraming: Indian Cormorant
@LeFraming: Exotic Pool in the middle of chennai
@LeFraming: The Passenger
@LeFraming: Strings & Instincts
@LeFraming: The Shape of the water
@LeFraming: Fire Bloom
@LeFraming: Vintage Fire ring
@LeFraming: Hyppo Rider
@LeFraming: Recreating Dreamscape
@LeFraming: 1st ever try gone terrible
@LeFraming: Shade`O her
@LeFraming: Look at me once...
@LeFraming: Eclipse
@LeFraming: Tender foots
@LeFraming: A dawn which forgets a sunrise
@LeFraming: The nap
@LeFraming: smile
@LeFraming: The light art
@LeFraming: Splashhhhh
@LeFraming: The pea`dancer
@LeFraming: The Crow`cifier
@LeFraming: Himantopus himantopus which means "Black-winged Stilt"
@LeFraming: Garden lizard or a Chameleon ?