Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake: Fashion's Night Out dark chocolate cupcake at Sprinkles
Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake: Sprinkles Cupcakes NYC
Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake: Red velvet Fashion's Night Out cupcakes, Sprinkles Cupcakes NYC
Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake: Vanilla milk chocolate Fashion's Night Out cupcakes, Sprinkles Cupcakes, NYC
Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake: Vanilla milk chocolate cupcakes, Sprinkles Cupcakes NYC
Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake: Mocha cupcakes, Sprinkles NYC
Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake: Dark chocolate cupcakes, Sprinkles Cupcakes NYC
Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake: Sprinkles Cupcakes NYC