Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake: Yes, I met Johnny Cupcakes!
Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake: Johnny Cupcakes store, Newbury Street, Boston
Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake: Johnny Cupcakes Boston store
Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake: Johnny Cupcakes Boston store
Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake: Johnny Cupcakes Boston store
Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake: Johnny Cupcakes Boston store
Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake: Johnny Cupcakes Boston store
Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake: Johnny Cupcakes t-shirt
Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake: Johnny Cupcakes t-shirt
Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake: Johnny Cupcakes stickers
Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake: Johnny Cupcakes display case
Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake: Johnny Cupcakes store, Newbury Street, Boston