RJS68: Autumnal Reflections
RJS68: Weaver's Creek Falls
RJS68: Maple Bokeh
RJS68: Barberry
RJS68: Country Road in Autumn
RJS68: Autumn Brown
RJS68: Foreboding
RJS68: Marsh Meadow
RJS68: Autumn Leaves
RJS68: Wispy
RJS68: Over the Edge
RJS68: Spread Your Wings
RJS68: Goldenrod
RJS68: Lythrum salicaria
RJS68: Gone to Seed
RJS68: Easy Paddling
RJS68: Breakwater at Northwinds Beach
RJS68: Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum)
RJS68: A Real Mouthful
RJS68: Snacktime
RJS68: Raceme
RJS68: Along the Path
RJS68: Blue Cornflower - Centaurea montana
RJS68: Ostrich Fern
RJS68: Sun-Dappled Maple Leaves
RJS68: Pink Blossoms
RJS68: Blossoms!
RJS68: Cardinal in the Snow
RJS68: Sparrow in the Snow
RJS68: Junco in the Snow