R Joanne: Monday July 11th: "Obstacles"-Explore July 11, 2011
R Joanne: Monday July 11th: "Obstacles", second edition!
R Joanne: #46 Celebration
R Joanne: Macro Monday July 18, 2011: Simplicity - Explore July 18, 2011
R Joanne: HMM Minimalism July 25, 2011
R Joanne: HMM Personal Dreams-Fiber Artist and Photographer
R Joanne: HMM Pain...
R Joanne: Macro Monday: Anything Elvis HMM- Explore August 14, 2011
R Joanne: Macro Monday : Anything Elvis HMM! -Explore August 15, 2011
R Joanne: '70's Fabric HMM, HBW
R Joanne: The 70's HMM
R Joanne: The 80's, HMM
R Joanne: Heritage HMM
R Joanne: Living Scoundrel HMM!
R Joanne: Stone Scoundrel, HMM
R Joanne: Contrasts, Adult/Child HMM!
R Joanne: Macro Monday : Teacher
R Joanne: Macro Monday : Teacher: Explore October 24, 2011
R Joanne: Macro Monday: Collectibles and Souvenirs
R Joanne: Macro Monday: Souvenirs and Collectibles
R Joanne: Perfume HMM
R Joanne: Pie Bird HMM
R Joanne: Macro Monday: Metallic
R Joanne: Macro Monday Theme: “A Wee Bit of Red”
R Joanne: ODC 3 Red, White and Blue, Macro Monday: On The Road
R Joanne: ODC3 Arms, Macro Monday: December Holidays: Explore
R Joanne: Macro Monday: December Holidays